Herb Club LA was founded by Andrea Jimenez in 2022 with the hope to empower people by looking to nature as a guide. With a focus on ethnobotany, Traditional Native American knowledge, Traditional Ecological knowledge, and bioregional herbalism, we hope to re-establish reciprocity with the land and all its inhabitants.

Andrea Jimenez is a Naturalist and Clincal Herbalist in training. Her goal with Herb Club LA is to connect people with nature and plant the seed for people to become better land stewards. The connection between land health, community health and individual health is at the core of Herb Club LA.

Growing up as a first-generation immigrant of Native American descent, she also focuses paying homage and respect to Indigenous Native American traditions and more natural ways of living. Through her own journey, Andrea found deep healing reconnecting to nature. She believes that caring for our inner world will be reflected in our outer world and vice-versa. By connecting with our plant kin and learning directly from nature, we can in turn learn to take better care of ourselves and our planet.

Reach out for collaborations or just to say hello
at herbclubla@gmail.com ✿



“In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”
― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass